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时间:2014-06-22 02:15:29    来源:巧蓓母婴


  jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
  jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring

  snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
  now the jingle hop has begun
  jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
  jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
  dancing and prancing in jingle bell square
  in the frosty air
  what a bright time, it's the right time
  to rock the night away
  jingle bell time is a swell time
  to go gliding in a one-horse sleigh
  giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
  jingle around the clock
  mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
  that's the jingle bell rock

  what a bright time, it's the right time
  to rock the night away
  jingle bell time is a swell time
  to go gliding in a one-horse sleigh
  giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
  jingle around the clock
  mix and a-mingle in the jingling beat
  that's the jingle bell,
  that's the jingle bell,
  that's the jingle bell rock.

  A B C D E F G,
  H I J K L M N,
  O P Q,
  R S T UV W X Y Z
  Now you know your A B C,
  Every-body sing with me

  let's start at the very beginning
  a very good place to start
  when you read you begin with a-b-c
  when you sing you begin with do-re-mi
  do-re-mi, do-re-mi
  the first three notes just happen to be
  do-re-mi, do-re-mi
  let's see if i can make it easy

  doe, a deer, a female deer
  ray, a drop of golden sun
  me, a name i call myself
  far, a long, long way to run
  sew, a needle pulling thread
  la, a note to follow sew
  tea, a drink with jam and bread
  that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh)
  doe, a deer, a female deer
  ray, a drop of golden sun
  me, a name i call myself
  far, a long, long way to run
  sew, a needle pulling thread
  la, a note to follow sew
  tea, a drink with jam and bread
  that will bring us back to do
  doe, a deer, a female deer
  ray, a drop of golden sun
  me, a name i call myself
  far, a long, long way to run
  sew, a needle pulling thread
  la, a note to follow sew
  tea, a drink with jam and bread
  that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh)
  do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do so-do!

  now children,
  do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song.
  once you have these notes in your heads,
  you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up.
  like this.
  so do la fa mi do re
  can you do that?
  so do la fa mi do re
  so do la ti do re do
  so do la ti do re do
  now, put it all together.
  so do la fa mi do re
  so do la ti do re do
  but it doesn't mean anything.
  so we put in words. one word for every note. like this.
  when you know the notes to sing
  you can sing most anything
  when you know the notes to sing
  you can sing most anything
  doe, a deer, a female deer
  ray, a drop of golden sun
  me, a name i call myself
  far, a long, long way to run
  sew, a needle pulling thread
  la, a note to follow sew
  tea, a drink with jam and bread
  that will bring us back to do
  do re mi fa so la ti do
  do ti la so fa mi re
  do mi mi
  mi so so
  re fa fa
  la ti ti
  do mi mi
  mi so so
  re fa fa
  la ti ti
  when you know the notes to sing
  you can sing most anything
  doe, a deer, a female deer
  ray, a drop of golden sun
  me, a name i call myself
  far, a long, long way to run
  sew, a needle pulling thread
  la, a note to follow sew
  tea, a drink with jam and bread
  that will bring us back to
  do ... so do
  re ... la fa
  mi ... mi do
  fa ... re
  so ... so do
  la ... la fa
  ti ... la so fa mi re
  ti do - oh - oh ti do -- so do


  One little, two little Quack baby ducks. Three little, for little baby ducks. Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack. Oh come six little baby ducks.

  Five little, six little baby ducks. Severn little, eight little baby ducks. Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack. Oh come eight little babyks. Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack. Oh come eight little baby ducks.

  there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
  b-i-n-g-o! b-i-n-g-o! b-i-n-g-o!
  and bingo was his name, oh!
  there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
  i-n-g-o! i-n-g-o! i-n-g-o!
  and bingo was his name, oh!
  there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
  n-g-o! n-g-o! n-g-o!
  and bingo was his name, oh!
  there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
  g-o! g-o! g-o!
  and bingo was his name, oh!
  there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
  o! o! o!
  and bingo was his name, oh!
  there was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, oh!
  and bingo was his name, oh!

  donkey donkey I beg you
  please don't sing hiha
  I shall feed you I shall feed you
  please don't sing hiha
  hiha hiha hiha hiha why you sing so well
  I shall feed you I shall feed you please don't sing hiha

 7.London Bridge
  London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.
  London bridge is falling down, my fair lady.
  Build it up with iron bars.
  Iron bars will bend and break
  Build it up with pins and needles
  Pins and needles rust and bend
  Build it up with gold and silver
  Gold and silver I’ve not got
  London Bridge is falling down

  Miffy Miffy Miffy run
  With her friends she's having fun
  Snuffy Grunty Boris bear
  Poggy Piggy is also there
  All together what's a day
  Let's go out and play
  Miffy sweet little bunny
  Miffy smart little bunny
  Miffy a cute little bunny

  Miffy Miffy play along
  dance and sing to miffy song
  playing outside ??? ball
  and the sunny shining over the raindrops spot
  Miffy Miffy look up high
  a rainbow in the sky
  Miffy sweet little bunny
  Miffy smart little bunny
  Miffy a cute little bunny

  with all the things they do
  they got the story for you
  because learn so much while you play
  in every season all weather will always stay together
  it's gonna be a beautiful day
  Miffy Miffy Miffy Miffy

  Miffy learns almost everything
  to count & to draw & to dance & sing
  about the season & how the flowers grow
  there are so much a litle bunny should know
  the school bell ring this end of the day
  Let's go out and play
  Miffy sweet little bunny
  Miffy smart little bunny
  Miffy a cute little bunny

  with all the things they do
  they got the story for you
  because learn so much while you play
  in every season all weather will always stay together
  it's gonna be a beautiful day
  Miffy sweet little bunny
  Miffy smart little bunny
  Miffy a cute little bunny

  Miffy sweet little bunny
  Miffy smart little bunny
  Miffy a cute little bunny
  Miffy & friends!!!

  8.Ten Little Indians
  one little, two little,
  three little indians.
  four little, five little,
  six little indians.
  seven little, eight little,
  nine little indians,
  ten little indian boys.

  ten little, nine little,
  eight little indians.
  seven little, six little,
  five little indians.
  four little, three little,
  two little indians,
  one little indian boy


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